IOM works in the four broad areas of migration management:

  • Migration and development
  • Facilitating migration
  • Regulating migration
  • Forced migration

IOM activities that cut across these areas include the promotion of international migration law, policy debate and guidance, protection of migrants' rights, migration health and the gender dimension of migration.

IOM Nigeria is currently implementing “Promoting Better Management of Migration in Nigeria” programme which is funded by the European Union. IOM’s implementation strategy is broken down into three components; Managing Irregular Migration through Immigration and Border Management, Migration Data, Policy and Labour Migration and Diaspora mobilization.

IOM also provides pre-consular support services and document verification for New Zealand, Australia and Canada as well as DNA sample collection for family reunification for Canada and Italy.

Currently, IOM Nigeria works in the following activities:

Emergency programs

  • DTM (Displacement Tracking Matrix) 
    Building the capacity of the Government of Nigeria to establish a comprehensive system to collect and disseminate data on IDPs.
  • PSS (Psychosocial Support Program)
    Promotes psychological well-being for IDPs affected by the armed conflict. Strenghtening the emergency provision of psychosocial support services to conflict-induced displaced populations in camps and host communities.
  • ES and CCCM
    Delivery of shelter and NFI to the most vulnerable population.
FMM West Affrica
  • Free Movement and Migration
    Support to free movement of persons and migration in West Africa.
PBMM Nigeria
  • Promoting Better Management of Migration
    Enhance the capacity of the Government of Nigeria to manage migration
  • Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration
    Provide assistance to returned migrants to facilitate their socio-economic reintegration in the country of origin