• Who can participate?

The IOM Short Film Contest is open to all young Nigerians under 30 years old with a keen interest in the cross-cutting issues of counter trafficking, human rights of migrants, media, and social justice among others.

While the people appearing in the video/film can be of any age, it is important that the film reflects the thoughts and opinions of the young filmmaker(s) about different forms of trafficking in persons and counter trafficking. The person submitting the video (“the participant”) must be actively involved in its making; e.g., either as a director, writer, camera operator, editor, actor, coordinator, etc.


  • What’s the rule on data collection, privacy, and consent?

The entrants must ensure that everyone appearing in the submitted film has signed a consent to be filmed, including actors in fictional films and real characters in documentaries. Informed consent can be a short statement confirming the individual has granted his/her consent for their image to appear in the production. It requires telling a person exactly how their information or image will be used, ensuring that they understand what they are agreeing to, and that they are not consenting under pressure or duress. All films submitted to the contest will be critically examined and vetted on the topic of ‘informed consent’, if needed, before entering the contest.


  • Can we submit a video as group work?

Yes! Multiple young people can work together on one video and submit the final product as a single entry for their group work.


  • What type of videos (short film) do you consider? What is the required format?

Film entries must be:

  1. Under twenty (20) minutes in length, including title(s) and opening/closing credits. If an entry is slightly below or above the aforementioned time limit, it will be reviewed and evaluated on a case-to-case basis.
  2. With English subtitles.
  3. Produced after 1 January 2022.

In addition, film entries can be of any genre (animation, documentary, music video, comedy, etc.) as long as they have the potential to make the audience think in constructive ways about the theme of combating human trafficking in Nigeria. If selected, entrants must be prepared to submit a digital copy of their video in either of the following formats: MOV (preferred), or MP4. HD is preferred (1920×1080), but not required.


  • How do I submit my video/short film?

To submit a video for consideration, you must first complete the online registration form. Please provide all of the required information. Incomplete submissions will lead to disqualification. The form will ask you to submit your film through a video-streaming website (YouTube). The participant will be asked to include the URL of the video in the online form. The entrant must ensure that the video link is accessible and not private.


  • What’s the deadline to submit my video?

Submissions must be completed by 14 July 2024.



Film Contest Registration Form