
IOM Distributes shelter, NFIs to IDPs in Adamawa State

IOM Distributes shelter, NFIs to IDPs in Adamawa State

On 19 March 2015, IOM distributed Emergency Shelter and non-food item (NFI) kits to 150 vulnerable displaced families in Adamawa State, in the framework of the ECHO funded project “Supporting direct implementation of displacement tracking in North East Nigeria”.

The distribution targeted households from Michika and Madagali LGAs in Adamawa State who are currently staying with host communities in and around Yola town, in Giri 1, Jumboto, Karewa and Yol-di-pati 1. A total of 1120 individuals benefited from this distribution.

The content of the kit was chosen based on urgent needs identified during assessments carried out by the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) teams on the ground. The kit consists of 3 sleeping mats, 3 blankets, 2 jerry cans (20L capacity), laundry soap, bathing soap, disinfection tablets and sanitary pads. In addition, targeted families received plastic sheeting and rope to secure their shelters.

The intervention targeted IDPs in host communities that have not received Shelter and NFI assistance yet or were newly displaced. Participatory approaches including interviews with local authorities, partners (SEMA and the Nigerian Red Cross) and both host and IDP communities, informed the identification of most vulnerable households to be targeted, including female-headed households, elderly headed households, pregnant and lactating women and families with three or more children under the age of five.

Beneficiary lists were drawn up based on the pre-identified vulnerability criteria and presented to the community for validation before final lists were made. Throughout the beneficiary selection process, as well as in the composition of the kit, gender concerns were taken into consideration to ensure fair access to the assistance provided for both women and men.

Ahead of the distribution day, tokens were distributed to eligible households and beneficiaries were informed about the content and use of the materials in the kit, to ensure proper use of the items provided.
Post distribution monitoring will be undertaken to receive beneficiaries’ feedback and, where possible and necessary, adapt the assistance package or distribution modality for future interventions.

This intervention took place with funding from the European Commission Department for Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (ECHO) within the framework of the project “Supporting Direct implementation of displacement tracking in North East Nigeria".

For more information on the project, please contact Stephanie Daviot, Project Officer (