
IOM Nigeria Emergency Response Activities

IOM Nigeria Emergency Response Activities

IOM provides life-saving assistance improving the living condition of the affected population through provision of Non-Food Items (NFI), Shelter and Water, Sanitation
and Hygiene (WASH) services to displaced families as well as supporting the Government of Nigeria and partners in Camp Coordination and Camp Management
(CCCM) activities. Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) to adults and children affected by the conflict is also provided in camps and host communities.
Through Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM), a global human mobility information management tool, IOM continues to contribute to the collection of regular and
up-to-date information on the displaced population and their needs enabling partners to plan and deliver more targeted responses to the affected population. IOM has
supported more than 780,000 displaced people and host community members across northeast Nigeria since starting the emergency response in 2014.

IOM Nigeria Emergency Response Activities