
IOM Nigeria Situation Report 1 August - 15 September 2016

IOM Nigeria Situation Report 1 August - 15 September 2016

Displacement Tracking Matrix Round XI was conducted. As of 31 August, 2,093,030 IDPs were identified across 13 states. Biometric registration continued in Adamawa, Borno and Yobe, where 333,936 IDPs have already been registered.

IOM has built 1,000 emergency shelters in Bama and Gwoza, to ensure that the affected populations have access to shelter, which will reduce their exposure to the environment and contribute to their increased security and dignity.

IOM has conducted Mental Health and Psychosocial Support needs assessment in Benishek, Minok and Gwoza. In addition, IOM continued providing psychosocial support and activities to beneficiaries in Yola, Chibok and Maiduguri.