
IOM, Partners Reflect on Achievements and Lessons Learned to Strengthen Humanitarian Response in Nigeria

IOM, Partners Reflect on Achievements and Lessons Learned to Strengthen Humanitarian Response in Nigeria

Abuja – More than 50 professionals of Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) gathered in the Nigerian capital on 25 and 26 June under the auspices of IOM, the UN Migration Agency. The purpose of the event was to share lessons learned and recommendations among CCCM trainers and trainees to strengthen the humanitarian response in North East Nigeria.

The workshop, part of IOM’s capacity building activities, was attended by Frantz Celestin, IOM Nigeria Deputy Chief of Mission, who delivered the opening message.

“This event is the culmination of a series of activities from January 2017 to June 2018,” said Celestin. “Because of your hard work, IOM trained 699 key government personnel, relevant government institutions, NGOs and local partners working in humanitarian response,” he added.

Celestin also announced IOM’s support for the creation of a new CCCM Community of Practice for trainers, and thanked the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) for their support and collaboration during the past 18 months.

“The role of IOM in the generation and use of the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) assisted in no small measure in the planning, monitoring and evaluation of the humanitarian interventions in the North East and Nigeria in general,” said Mustapha Yunusa Maihaja, NEMA Director General during his welcome remarks. “Our existing collaboration is one of mutual sharing of knowledge, data and materials in the management of humanitarian issues.”

Ingrid Daba, IOM Nigeria Capacity Building Programme Officer, stated that from January 2017 to June 2018, IOM conducted training on displacement tracking matrix; CCCM mainstreaming approaches on preventing, mitigating, and addressing gender-based violence (GBV); trafficking in emergencies; and protection from sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA). Other thematic areas include WASH, collaborative dispute resolution, and site planning and camp decongestion with GBV mainstreaming.

The event served as an opportunity to hear the recommendations of the trainees. Key recommendations are on 1) providing more capacity building on cross-cutting concerns, namely GBV, Counter Trafficking, and PSEA; 2) training of Security Personnel on Humanitarian Principles; 4) collaboration with Academia on Curriculum Integration of CCCM at university level; and strengthening of the Community of Practice of CCCM Trainers.The Community of Practice was officially launched during the closing of the workshop, led by NEMA and IOM with the Shelter, Non-Food Items and CCCM Sector.

Since 2014, IOM has provided humanitarian assistance to over 2 million people affected by the insurgency in North East Nigeria in collaboration with the Nigerian Government, the UN, non-governmental organizations and civil society.

The workshop and encompassing capacity building activities were conducted in partnership between the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) and IOM Nigeria with support from the Government of Norway and the Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA).

For more information, please contact Jorge Galindo, IOM Nigeria, Tel: +234 803 645 2973, Email: