
My voice, an instrument of hope to others

My voice, an instrument of hope to others

Meet Michael Ikechukwu, a returnee from Libya and a beneficiary of IOM reintegration programme under the joint EUTF- IOM Initiative for Migrant Protection and Reintegration. Prior to embarking on his journey to ‘Spain’, ‘Mike’ as he is commonly known by his peers, operated a mini studio where he focused on doing photography and voice overs as source of livelihood for his young family.

As the eldest in a family of eight, Mike was the sole breadwinner not only for his nuclear family, but also to his extended family. Faced with economic hardship of meeting the ends, Mike sought advice from his friend who promised him some greener pastures outside Nigeria. The promised wasn’t freely given but rather by paying a sum of 20,000 Naira which he paid through his savings.

“I imagined how my social status could change once I started working abroad. I thought my family will never beg anymore as I would be sending them money” recalled Mike during an interview with IOM Lagos. However his dream was cut short when his journey took a different shift. His passport and other documents were confiscated and him together with his other friends abandoned in the desert. In his own words Mike says “life in the desert was terrible. I never knew I would ever stumble on human skeletons but here I am left with no options but rather to collect the few pieces of human remains and use it to ignite fire” what I saw with my own eyes and went through is the worst experience ever that won’t wish anyone to go through” added Mike.

After two and a half months in the desert, Mike together with his friends managed to reach Libya hoping to make a living as they save for more money to go to Italy and further proceed to his dream destination- Spain. As days turned into months and months into years, prison became a hub for him. “I tried to escape from prison three times but each time I tried my luck, the authorities came back for me. Disappointed and no hope for me, death became my only fate until in November when IOM together with other UN agencies came to my rescue”. Nothing can be compared to the joy I felt as I boarded the plane back home. Though with nothing to show my family, I count myself lucky for coming out alive.”

Back home, Mike attended a four day training facilitated by IOM under the EUTF programme where his dreams of working in a media house were reignited again. During the training, Mike was identified by a local TV network due his eloquence in class and was absorbed as a voice over volunteer a job he has been doing for the last three weeks.

As a parting short, Mike says “Never trust anyone with your life, Investing back home is better than risking your life for a quick fix.” In his spare time, Mike visits schools in the neighbourhood where he shares his experience and sensitize fellow youths and students on the dangers of irregular migration.