
Situation Report 16, 30 November 2016

Situation Report 16, 30 November 2016

In collaboration with National Emergency Management Agency and State Emergency Management Agencies, IOM continued biometric registration of conflict-affected populations, registering over 31,600 individuals in Borno and Adamawa States between 16 and 30 November.

During the reporting period, IOM distributed non-food item kits and kitchen sets to over 20,500 individuals, and completed the construction of 1,000 shelters benefitting 6,000 individuals.

IOM facilitated a training session on Psychological First Aid in coordination with the Ministry of Health, targeting 40 health care workers from newly accessible areas in Borno State.

While an increasing amount of territory has become accessible, suicide bombings and attacks against civilians persisted during the reporting period. Violence in the northeast has caused massive displacement and at the same time restricted movement, disrupting food supplies, hindering access to basic services, and limiting agricultural activities. People affected by violence in Adamawa, Borno, and Yobe, and neighbouring Bauchi, Taraba, and Gombe States are in urgent need of life-saving humanitarian

In newly accessible areas, IDPs and vulnerable host populations are in critical need of assistance including food, water, sanitation, protection, education, shelter, and health services (Source: OCHA, 29 November 2016).

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