The Service Monitoring Tool (SMT), produced by the IOM CCCM unit, serves as a monthly tool to check the quantity and quality of humanitarian services provided to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and flagging major gaps to enable speedy response. IOM contributes to the overall northeast Nigeria humanitarian response through speedy reporting of gaps and needs in IDP sites, organization of IDP community participatory structures and contributing to deep field coordination mechanisms for some locations. As part of the response to the humanitarian needs during the ongoing conflict in northeast Nigeria, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) is supporting the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) and State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) in the management of IDP camps. Through stationed and mobile CCCM teams, IOM assesed 45 sites and 5 reception centres in Borno and 21 in Adamawa. IOM deployed 78 Site Management Assistants to support SEMA/NEMA camp management staff in the management of IDP sites. IOM has also managed some IDP sites on behalf of SEMA/NEMA where government camp managers are not present. 

Use the following link to view an interactive version of the report.

IOM CCCM Service Monitoring Tool